Google Penalty Recovery Service
- Is Your Website Stuck, and Just Won’t Budge?
- Received a Manual Penalty from Google?
- Website Suddenly Tumbled Down The Rankings?
- Get Your Website Back in Google’s Good Books
- Recover Your Lost Traffic
- Build Your Website to New Strength

Get Your Website Visitors And Revenue Back… Safely
Google is continually changing how it ranks websites and what it finds acceptable one day can become what it dislikes another.
Over the past few years many website owners have become victims of Google’s updates. Some of the names you may have heard of are Panda, Penguin, Core Updates, Medic Update, Spam Updates, Helpful Content Updates, Product Reviews Updates, Link Spam Updates
Although some of these may sound cute and cuddly the reality for many business owners is that they have had a devastating effect on their website traffic and the profitability of their businesses.
Literally overnight, visitor numbers can tumble and websites that seemed to be permanent features on page one are nowhere to be found.
At Build Business Online we are experienced in identifying, assessing and recovering penalised websites.
First Steps To Recovering From A Google Penalty
Recovering a website from a Google penalty is a complicated, time and resource consuming process. We do the job properly and can only work on a small number of websites at any given period.
Please complete this application form as thoroughly as possible. We will use this to make an initial assessment of your website and get in touch with you to explore getting your site healthy again..
Doing nothing is not an option as your competitors are right now picking up the web traffic and the revenue that was previously coming to you. Submit the form today and start on the road to recovery.
What Are Penalties And Why Would My Website Get One?
When your website falls foul of Google’s guidelines and algorithmic scoring then it can receive a penalty.
Most of these are done automatically by Google’s computers based on what is happening on your webpages or the quality and quantity of links coming to your site, or a combination of these factors.
Google also employs thousands of Quality Raters, whose job it is to visit, click through and assess the quality of websites.
Google makes hundreds of changes every year to how it sorts websites and it may be that your drop has to do with that. Another possibility is that your site had been hacked or is the victim of negative SEO by one of your competitors, or a disgruntled employee or contractor.
How Do I Know If My Website Has A Google Penalty?
Typically the only ways you know if you have received one of these is by a sudden drop in visitor numbers to your site, or if you notice that your previous rankings have dropped significantly.
Another indicator can be that no matter what you do to promote your website it does not progress in the search engines (of course, this can also be the result of ineffective SEO or website design).
Google’s Quality Raters may have visited your website and it given it a poor quality score, resulting in some cases in a Manual Penalty. You, your web or SEO team, will be informed of this by receiving a notification through your Google Webmaster Tools account.
The ultimate sanction that Google has it to remove your website from their index, meaning you will not appear anywhere at all in their search results.
Is My Website Definitely Recoverable?
It is impossible to say without taking a detailed look at your site, its relation to other websites, its history, and the nature of the penalty. In the vast majority of cases websites are recoverable.
In a very few instances it is better and more economical to create a fresh site under a different domain name. If we think your website is beyond economic recovery we will advise you accordingly.
However, creating a new website address is inconvenient, damages your brand, and is confusing for customers. It is also very expensive as you may not recover the visitors you have lost as well as the costs associated with changing livery on vehicles and stationery. Of course, you will also have the added outlay of designing a new site.
That having been said, it is likely that recovery is possible, and in many cases websites bounce back to a stronger and healthier position than before, and better equipped to withstand future Google updates.
Can’t My Current SEO Company Sort This Out?
Perhaps. The fact is though that many SEOs don’t have experience or confidence in recovering websites from a Google penalty.
It may be that the very methods that your current SEO company have employed are what created the Google penalty in the first place. Do you really want them in charge of clearing things up?